How To Fix An Uneven Hairline? 6 Tips To Achieve Fuller And Thicker-Looking Hair
Hairline shape
Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered why your hairline looks the way it is? Well the fact is, there are many different types of hairlines and it differs from person to person. Genetics play an important role in determining what kind of hairline you are born with. Most professional hairstylists will take into account your hairline type and face shape to recommend the most suitable hairstyles for you. It is with no surprise that a healthy and full hairline is both desirable and aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. So if you are interested to correct your uneven hairline, look no further! We have a list of top 6 tips and tricks to address that and you would be on your way to achieve a fuller and thicker-looking head of hair.
How to check your hairline?
You can check and assess your hairline using one of the 2 methods described below. The first method is suited for women with long hair, simply put your hair in a high ponytail and look straight into the mirror. Look along the edge where your hair meets your upper forehead, that would be your hairline.
If you have shorter hair, try this second method instead:
- Start with freshly washed, damp hair
- Use a fine-toothed comb
- Comb all your hair backwards
- Look straight into the mirror
Uneven hairline = hair loss?
It is important to check your hairline frequently as it can change over time. A changing hairline is a reality for many men and women. While checking, look out for unevenness in the hairline as well as potential bald patches in hair. Monitor your hairline health as receding hairline is a real concern, especially when age catches up. An uneven hairline may not signal a hair loss problem as some people are born with an uneven hairline naturally. However, it is still advisable to monitor your hairline to prevent premature receding hairline.
6 tips to improve an uneven hairline for fuller-looking hair
1. Diet is key.
“You are what you eat”. You have probably heard this a million times already. But there’s a reason why this golden advice is being repeated over and over. Studies have shown that having a vitamin deficiency can lead to hair loss. So in order to grow healthy, thick and full hair, it is vital to ensure that your body intakes sufficient nutrients that it requires from food sources.
Some of the healthy foods to consume are fish like salmon and sardines which are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Also, remember to include more dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach in your diet as well since they are packed with amazing nutrients essential for a healthy scalp.
2. Hair supplements for uneven hairline
Consider taking hair supplements to supplement your diet with the essential vitamins to support healthy hair growth. This is more of a preventive measure because let’s face it, not everyone is a fan of fruits, fish or kale. This may also be a convenient way for the person who is often out on the road who rarely preps his own meals. Just take note to choose high-quality hair supplements for maximum benefit.
3. Use the right shampoo and conditioner
It goes without saying that using the right shampoo and conditioner is extremely important for healthy scalp and hair. Choose a shampoo that gently cleanses the impurities from your scalp, without stripping its moisture barrier. Generally, you would want to look out for sulphate free shampoos as they tend to be a gentler option. Bottom line is to choose the right shampoo and conditioner that is suited for your hair type.
4. Don’t overdo the styling and heat
Hair strands are prone to damage when exposed to heating tools regularly. Try not to grab the hair dryer right after you exit the shower. Allow your hair to air dry naturally whenever possible. Unless you have thick hair, then do use a hair dryer to ensure you have thoroughly dried your hair before heading to bed. Damaged hair is easily prone to breakage and can look dry and frizzy which will contribute to an uneven looking hairline.
5. Use your hair brushes correctly
Here’s hair tip that some may not be aware of: you are not supposed to brush your hair when it is wet. Wet hair is weak and delicate so you do not want to brush your hair strands when they are most prone to damage and breakage. If you are looking to detangle your hair while it is wet, use a wide-toothed comb or invest in a high-quality hair brush that is intended to use on hair when it is still damp.
6. Hair makeup to fix uneven hairline
If you are looking for a quick solution to fix an uneven hairline, consider using a hair makeup product. It is essentially like eye shadow, but for the hair!
A hair makeup product such as the Winksbeaute Hair Root Touch Up helps to disguise thinning hair, bald spots on the scalp and works amazingly to create a full and perfect hairline. It is formulated with only gentle plant-based ingredients so it won’t harm your hair or sensitive skin. The key ingredients include beeswax, rose extract and coconut oil. Better yet, the formula is also designed to be anti-matting and caking, so it won’t be affected if you are caught in the rain or sweating in the heat.
Many customers who have been struggling with thinning hair issues have benefitted from using the Winksbeaute Hair Root Touch Up. They have rated the product highly as it is effective and affordable. Check out their reviews here as well as a Youtube video review below.
Credit @ Aileen Goh